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Shop with peace of mind knowing that all eligible items in your order are protected against return fees, and covered if they are lost, stolen, or damaged in transit.
Free returns and exchanges
Return or exchange your items without any extra hidden fees, like handling fees or restocking fees.
Package Protection
Simply get a refund when you report your package as lost, stolen, or damaged in transit within 7 days of its scheduled delivery.
Some items may not be eligible for this service, such as items that are final sale. By opting out of this service you will be responsible for any return costs such as shipping labels, handling fees, or restocking fees. Additionally, your package won’t be protected if it is lost, stolen, or damaged in transit. The price of this service includes a flat fee, plus 2% of the cart total. In certain states, sales tax may also be included in the total. For more information, please read the Package Protection Terms and Conditions.